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Help marry off Hashem's kids and He will marry off yours
We beg and we cry to Hashem; we make every possible effort to marry off the singles who are close to us. But have we ever stopped to think that if we help the less fortunate build their homes, Hashem will surely help our children build theirs?
We’re calling upon Middah K’neged Middah
to merit more Rachmai Shamayim
Donate to your local hachnassas kallah fund, and may your generosity soon rebound to make your daughter a kallah, b’ez”H!
Dear Parents of Bnos Yisroel,
The shidduch challenge is an opportunity for us to reach outward. Let’s daven and
redt shidduchim for each other. And let’s further demonstrate our goodwill by generously performing the precious mitzvah our nation has always been so
devoted to – Hachnosos Kallah.
Thousands of families are drowning in the most basic expenses incurred by
marrying off their kallahs. Let’s help them make chassanahs for their daughters,
and b’ez”H we’ll soon be zocheh to make chassanahs for ours.
The way this works:
Contact one of the verified reputable organizations in the How to Help Tab to perform this Mitzvah, according to your means and ability.
For rabbinical endorsements and more information of this middah k’neged middah.
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